It’s Not Them, It’s You: Addressing High Turnover In Your Organization


Excessive turnover can significantly impact companies that rely on high volume staffing to run their operations. Workforce gaps can have a direct effect on productivity levels, revenue streams, and profitability. Additionally, a high quit rate can burden existing employees, causing increased levels of stress and burnout that may eventually lead to (you guessed it) —…

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Recruiting for Success: Go Inverted

Why are recruiters so focused on finding jobs that fit job-seekers? It should be the other way around. Recruiters should be finding the right people who fit the job. An Inverted Recruiting Model could be the secret to how recruiters can better serve their employers and job seekers. When Bear Staffing developed the Inverted Recruiting Model, it…

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Temp-To-Hire: Your Company’s Strategy to Building a Strong Permanent Workforce

Temp hires are often a necessity for many types of companies. However, unless it’s absolutely necessary (e.g., the need for larger seasonally-based rosters), most businesses would prefer to avoid the turnover and inconsistency. A permanent workforce brings many benefits to employers. Namely, you don’t need to waste valuable resources constantly training new people. But high-volume staffing presents a…

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Four Benefits of Hiring High-Volume Staffing Experts

High volume staffing can be a tricky tightrope to walk. You need to move fast to fill gaps in your workplace, but you can’t sacrifice quality. Every hire must be the kind of person that fits your vision and helps bolster your business. Bringing on such a significant number of reliable talent with a steadfast work…

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Four Tips to Fight Back Against Employee Turnover

High volume employers will always have areas of their business where employee retention is a must. You want to maximize the time you have people on board. That can’t happen when talent is chomping at the bit, ready to leave when you need them most. No matter your business, you need top-notch people to stick around.…

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